The Johnston City Council recently approved the Thrive 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The document covers a wide range of topics including land use, natural resources, transportation, housing, economic development, utilities, and parks, trails and recreation. Does this mean the plan is set in stone for 20 years? Absolutely not. Many things affect city planning and communities must be prepared to adapt to new factors including market conditions, changing demographics and evolving landowner goals. Two possible changes to the new plan are already under consideration: one involves a request to increase the amount of high density housing development south of Windsor Parkway and west of NW 86th Street, and another would make a minor modification to a property on the northeast corner of NW Beaver Drive and NW 66th Avenue – converting it from commercial to residential.

These proposals emerged late in the Thrive 2040 planning process. Rather than make a substantive last-minute change, the City opted to defer consideration until after the main plan was adopted. Now that the Comprehensive Plan has been approved, the City will consider proposed amendments to the plan, ensuring adequate opportunities for public comment concerning the proposed changes.

Planning is an ongoing process and every property owner, residential or commercial, should be prepared for change and be ready to adapt.