NW Beaver Drive Trail Update

The Johnston City Council has awarded the contract for Phase I of the NW Beaver Drive Trail project to MPS Engineers for a bid of $1,460,489.  Phase 1 of the project will result in the construction of a two-mile length of trail from NW 63rd Court to Eagle Crest...

Developing Terra Park

Phase 1 construction has started including earthwork, lake construction and the associated installation of storm sewer utilities and a groundwater well.  These activities are being financed with City resources.  Other amenities such as a civic shelter, picnic...

Johnston Council Sets FY 2015 Levy Target

The property tax rate for the City of Johnston may be set at $11.34 under guidelines recently discussed by the City Council.  The current rate is $11.15.  Council members have been working to hold any rate increase to a minimum, notwithstanding the effects of taxes...